
WW1 Museums

Museum Hooge Crater

This museum is housed in a restored chapel located where one of the fiercest battles of Ypres was fought and right opposite the ‘Hooge Crater Cemetery'. The private museum is highly recommended because of its life-sizes reconstructions of war scenes, is extensive collection of weapons, equipment and photos. You can also enjoy an impressive ‘trench art' collection in the cafeteria.

Meenseweg 467 - 8902 Zillebeke +32 (0)57 468 446 -info@hoogecrater.comMemorial Museum Passchendaele 1917

The Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917 keeps the memory alive of the Battle of Passchendaele where in 1917 in one hundred days half a million casualties fell for only eight km's gain of ground. The museum is housed in the historic chateau grounds of Zonnebeke and focuses on the material aspects of World War I.

Attention is paid to uniforms, battlefield archaeology and artillery. The renovated museum consists of five different parts. On the first floor you will get a comprehensive overview of the First World War in the region by means of a unique collection of historic objects, lifelike dioramas, and photo and film footage.

Berten Pilstraat 5a - Zonnebeke - +32(0)51 770 441 - info@passchendaele.be   

Talbot House

Poperinge was situated about 10 miles behind the front lines of the Ypres Salient, right in the middle of the British sector. During the first world war there were about 250,000 British soldiers in and around Poperinge although it had only had 20,000 inhabitants in peace time.

In the heart of this bustling town, the Army Chaplain's Philip Clayton and Neville Talbot opened an 'Everey Man's Club' on 11 December 1915. It was an alternative place of wholesome recreation where all soldiers, regardless of their rank, were welcome. The inspired way in which Tubby ran his 'home from home', turned Talbot House or 'Toc H' into the best-known soldiers' club of the British Army. 

Gasthuisstraat 43 - Poperinge - +32(0)57 333 228  - info@talbothouse.be

Yser Museum

You can taste and experience the atmosgphere of 'The Great War 14-18' and WWI. You can feel the fear of the frontsoldiers and the general population. You smell the chlorine- and mustardgas, you see and walk along the authentic trenches. You hear and sit amongst the bombings and destroyed cities and this all along 22 floors. 

Ijzerdijk 49 - Diksmuide - +32(0)51 500 286  - info@ijzertoren.org 

Lange Max Museum

The Lange Max Museum occupies a unique place in the landscape of the Great War museums. This is because the museum especially pays attention to the German side.

For each visitor, the museum provides appropriate information. The museum is therefore made up of a layer system with the appropriate media. Also for families with children a visit is more than worth.

Clevenstraat 2 - 8680 Koekelare - +32 (0)475 585 051 - info@langemaxmuseum.be

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