

Yorkshire trench & Dug-out

The Yorkshire Trench & Dug-out was, in close consultation with the archealogical team, restored along its original route, including the entrance and exit of the ‘deep dug-out' from 1917. A series of information panels and a ground plan of the dug-out on the site give the visitor graphic representation of trench.
Permanently open (sunrise to sunset) - Industrial Estate along the Ieper-Ijzer Canal

Attention: restoration works from mid March - end April 2023.

Address: Bargiestraat, 8900 Ieper (in front of IVVO)
Distance : 5,3 km from Grote Markt Ieper

Frontline 't Hooghe

Remnants of the numerous mine impacts near the strategically important Hooge can be seen in the garden of the hotel Kasteelhof 't Hooghe. In 1995 a original trench was dug out by the hotel owner
Open every day from 10 am to 7 pm
€ 1 donation in the money-box

Address: Meenseweg 481, 8902 Zillebeke - Ieper

Distance: 4,7 km from Grote Markt Ieper

Sanctuary Wood - Hill 62


Close to Hill 62 Sanctuary Wood Museum can be found. In addition to equipment and weapons, preserved trenches and underground structures.


Address: Canadalaan - 8902 Ieper


Distance: 5 km from Grote Markt Ieper



This unique German site is located in Wijtschate. The site consists of of two mine shafts, a trench system and four bunkers. It is accessible via a footpath which passes through the restored network of trenches. A series of information panels give details of the events which took place here and explain what life at the front was really like.

Tickets for sale in tourist office Heuvelland.

Open every day 

Adults: € 5

>26 jaar: € 2

<7 jaar: free

Address: Voormezelestraat 2 8953 Wijtschate - along Croonaertbos

Distance: 8,8 km from Grote Markt IeperMemorial Museum Passchendaele 1917

Museum in Zonnebeke on the Battle of Passendale. Eye catchers is a network of German and British trenches in the museum garden. 

Address: Berten Pilstraat 5A - Kasteelpark - 8980 Zonnebeke

Distance: 8,7 km from Grote Markt Ieper

The trench of Death

This kilometre-long network of revetments, saps and dug-outs was one of the most dangerous Belgian positions on the Western front, situated just 50m from a German bunker.

01/04 - 15/11: every day from 10am till 6 pm (last visit at 5.30pm )

16/11 - 31/03: Tuesday and Friday from 9.30am to 4 pm (last visit at 3.30pm)

Closed from 25/12 til 05/01

Price: € 5 pp - only to be paid through a terminal by credit card

Address: IJzerdijk 65 - 8600 Diksmuide 

Distance: 25 km from Grote Markt Ieper

More information on the trench of death: Tourism Diksmuide - +32 (0)51 793 050 - toerisme@stad.diksmuide.be

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